Joy Brattland 80th Birthday Party July 3rd, 2002 Carmichael California
The Brattland Family held a 80th Birthday party for Joy Brattland who turned 80 years old on July 3, 2002 at her church, Carmichael Presbyterian Church, on Saturday, July 6, 2002. As follows are the multiple digital pictures taken of this event with particulars added…………enjoy…mgb
80tha Pat and Karen Brattland
80thb Table with punch and cake
80thc Table with food
80thd Joy’s friends that she worked with and for at CalTrans (California Department of Transportation ) and for almost 15 years they have been meeting on the 3rd Saturday at a restaurant for brunch at 1000am except in July when they take a breakfast or brunch to Ardith Temple’s and have a swim in her pool afterwards and all the time visiting and catching up on what they all are doing. In December, Mom has the get-together or sometimes Florence does. Starting with the blond who’s head is turned away and the cross above her head, it is Fran, clockwise, next is Ellen, Marion, Gloria, Dorothy, Florence, Esther and last is Ardith.
80theIn left corner, standing with his back to the picture is Jack Norberg, a member of Mom’s Buccaneer Mariner Ship (They have been a mariner ship at the church since 1960. Next to Jack, sideways is Denna Pro (she and her husband Will Pro and Mom are original members of the mariner ship..Gordon Brattland was as well). Seated at the table is Maidel Kohlman, Mom’s good friend, from Minnesota and Norwegian…also they play bridge together with Gloria (brunch bunch) Johnson (Oklahoma) and Gertrude Hamilton(90 and not at the party). Next to Maidel, is mom’s firend, Ediie Smart. they started to work together at California Department of Education in May 1966. Next you can only see Pat Week’s arm and then Gail Biela, daughter of Joan and Rich Biela clockwise around from Maidel. Now Pat Weeks, Joan Biela, Mom and Margaret Gerhauser play bridge together too. Margaret could not come to the party.
80thf Jon Ryan Brattland, Mom’s oldest grandson
80thg Mom’s brother-in-law( Gordon’s younger brother), Ltc Harold Brattland USAF-Ret(sideview0, and again going clockwise, Denna Pro, Will Pro, Harold and Elaine’ youngest daughters, Mom’s nieces, twins, Janel and Jessica Brattland
80thh Background, Harold Brattland, Denna and Will Pro. In front of Harold, is Clint Bell (husband of Rev Bonnie Bell, Gordon’s cousin), Jessica Brattland and Elaine Brattland, Harold Brattland’s wife and Mom’s sister in law.
80thi Mom, (Joy Brattland) at the cake table
80thj Mom, (Joy Brattland), Pat Brattland, Karen Brattland and Elaine Brattland
80thk The Reverend Bonnie Bell and Mom, (Joy Brattland)